27 August 2009

Pre-Departure Two

"Are you nervous?"

As my days in the U.S. continue to dwindle...(ten days now)...this question multiples, and multiples. The question leaves little room for conversation about my upcoming adventure. If I answer honestly (yes, of course! I'm fucking terrified), then their response is, "Oh, don't be worried! You're going to have a great experience! You're not going to want to come back!" Thank you for your reassurance, but it really does nothing to change the way I feel about leaving. And if I answer with humor/insincerety, the response tends to be one of utter disbelief, "Really? You're not nervous at all? Do you speak French?" Why, thank you. If I wasn't nervous before your reaction to my not being nervous, I'm certainly going to have doubts about why you're doubting my lack of anxiety.

I know I'm going to hear this question approximately fifteen more times, or more, before my plane takes off (and maybe I'll even hear it from the elderly man I'm going to sit next to and make conversation with aboard the plane), so leave any witty responses you can think of so I can have a bit of fun with people who decide to ask the standard question about studying abroad.


  1. "Nervous? Of the FRENCH?! Don't you know your history? I'm part German, those french goons don't stand a chance when up against my sheer awesomeness!"

  2. you'll do find, you're smart, level headed and part german also. just have fun and stay safe, will miss ya but i have your blog in my favorites so continue to update often.Love ya, aunt iguana :)

  3. Studying abroad is just a front for underage drinking. Everyone knows that!
